
three quarter view PP30

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Our flagship product currently available for order and delivery. The Power Pallet is a complete biomass power generation solution that converts woody biomass into electricity.  It is a compact and fully automated system–from biomass in–to electricity out–delivered at a price point of $2 per watt equipment cost.

The Power Pallet PP30 is our most recent version of the Power Pallet biomass genset, with many enhancements and improvements from the prior Power Pallet PP20. It comes standard with grid-tie electronics for taking advantage of applications such as microgrids, feed-in tariffs, and net energy metering, as well as heat exchangers for heating water for combined heat and power (CHP) applications. The PP30 is also much quieter; the engine is now enclosed, and the cooling fans are low-noise electric fans that only turn on as the engine coolant needs cooling, such as when it is not being used to heat water. Power output has increased nearly 50% over the PP20, and the session runtime has been extended as well.

Why it’s different The Power Pallet is distinguished among biomass power generation systems by its compact size and affordable price. Its integration of CHP capabilities with power generation and woody biomass disposal make it a perfect candidate for applications which find value in heat, electricity, and wood or nutshell disposal.

For the specifications of the machine, including the heat output of the CHP system, see the PP30 spec sheet.

The PP30 is now available for pre-sales to qualified buyers.

Please read over the Basic User Considerations to see if the PP30 is a good fit for your biomass power application.

The ALL Power Labs CharPallet 25 (CP25) integrates extensive innovations into our third-generation smart, compact, and versatile v3.0 biomass gasifier system which can convert up to 25 kg/hr of waste biomass into biochar, syngas and thermal energy. These developments are in response to increasing demands for reliable biomass processing for the biomass/biofuel research sector, efficient biomass waste disposal, and high-quality biochar for the agronomy and climate/carbon mitigation sectors.

APL’s Smart Tech links device operation & communications with the emerging universe of carbon-trading platforms. The CharPallet integrates our newest developments in control and UI systems, using the latest Internet of Things (IoT) protocols to allow digital Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) systems to connect directly with carbon-market platforms to generate carbon credits. Currently taking reservation deposits for priority delivery.

The 130 kWe containerized Power Pallet system also provides 100 kWth of thermal energy via the integrated CHP systems from the two PP30s. Also included is a battery storage system and inverter to allow the continuous 50 kW output of the Power Pallets to be combined with an additional 80 kW from the batteries for a combined intermittent output of 130 kWe. The HYBRID version has additional inverter-based technology with integrated storage capacity yielding up to 130kWe and 100 kWth of peak capacity. This HYBRID unit opens up additional use cases where short spikes of energy are needed (e.g motor start up) while also providing a more standard distributed energy resource that can be added to existing microgrids with minimal complication.

The ALL Power Labs Chartainer is a compact, high-volume, Combined Heat and Biochar (CHAB) pyrolizer system enclosed within a standard 20-foot shipping container. The system is fully automated and complete – from biomass hopper, gasifier-retort, and clean-burning flare with heat exchangers to biochar takeoff – all integrated within the shipping container envelope. The Chartainer uses a scaled-up version of APL’s newest Swirl Hearth architecture previously refined and proven in our PT150 Powertainer.  The swirl hearth architecture includes technology innovation that widens the range of acceptable feedstock and ensures the quality of biochar produced. The Chartainer is being developed to meet the ever-increasing demands for localized biomass waste disposal as well as high-quality, high-temperature, electrically active biochar in the agronomy and climate/carbon mitigation sectors. Partnering with our carbon-drawdown initiative, The Local Carbon Network, APL’s engineers have been working with biologists, agronomists, farmers, and climate researchers to perfect biochar-retort technology and biochar application techniques. One result of this work is the design of the Pilot Chartainer, capable of a 250 kgs-of-biomass-per-hour throughput delivering up to 50 kilograms per hour of SkyCarbon biochar, some of the highest quality, tar-free, geo-conducting biochar available.

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