Hiring is continuing at ALL Power Labs. We again try to prioritize hiring from within the GEK community, so do encourage you to apply for these positions. Even if the current ones aren’t a direct fit with you and your talents -but other situations would be- tell us of your interest and we’ll keep you on the list for future opportunities. We’ll be announcing more positions soon.
For the current round we’re announcing a rare opening in our core engineering group. We have so many new projects and products on the horizon that we need to expand our high level design and management capacity. We are looking for seasoned multi-disciplined engineers across the mechanical and thermal disciplines, and/or gasification specific engineering heroes. This is an invitation to replace and/or augment the minds of Jim and Bear, as the default engineers of APL solutions. This is an invitation to be a core author and leader of what we do here. Growth requires that such core authorship is moved beyond one or two minds, and progressively positioned in multiple sites of high level expertise. Gasification luminaries encouraged to apply. We will help with relocations from Europe, Asia or Africa for compelling candidates.
The second position is for Power Systems Assembly Tech on our production line. This makes you the guy/girl that mates engines to genheads, wrangles all gearhead relates issues, and runs commissioning tests on the results. You need to be at home with arts of rotating machinery, and the wrenches that turn their discordant mumblings into soothing song. As these are contemporary engines, electronics are involved, so you should be comfortable working with such too.
Upcoming Open House events
APL Monthly Open House. Tomorrow, Friday, Feb 8th: 5-7pm
Our next Open House at ALL Power Labs is this Friday, February 8th, from 5-7pm. There will be food and drink, as well as other gasifier geeks gathered and talking shop for your entertainment.
The Open House events offer all interested a regular time to visit APL, see a Power Pallet run, and generally tour the details of our operation. Each Open House has a short talk introducing gasification and the Power Pallet biomass power generation system. This will not be as in depth as our full workshop weekends, but it will get you through the fundamentals, and help you assess the relevance of our machines for your application.
People considering a purchase, or a larger deployment of our units, often use these events as an opportunity to visit and discuss specifics. If you would like to go through a particularly large project proposition, please try to tell us ahead of time so we are sure to schedule adequate time for specifically you.
If you plan to join us in any manner this Friday, please RSVP ahead of time to “sales@allpowerlabs.org“. If you are coming from out of town we can help you logistics. Surprisingly, people fly in internationally just for the day quite frequently!
If you can’t make it this time, remember they happen monthly, the second friday of the month. This puts the next Open House on Friday, Februrary 8th.
Savona, Italy: Sustainable Combustion Lab: Friday, Feb 8th, 2013
A presentation of our biomass gasifier GEK Power Pallet (10 kWel) is scheduled for the morning of February 8th at Savona Campus. It will start at 10.30 in a class room, with slides projections (slides in English, speech in Italian) dealing about biomass gasification and Power Pallet characterization (design, components, operation) followed by a discussion (in Italian and English) about its operation. Then, by noon, there will be the hands-on demonstration of the Power Pallet. We plan to finish by 1 o’clock pm. The Campus cafeteria is available for an inexpensive lunch.There is limited space for this event.
Please contact me directly at
scl.tecnoforest@gmail.com i
f you wish to attend. There will not be a charge for the demonstration.
See you in Savona.
Ferruccio Pittaluga
prof. Ferruccio Pittaluga
DIME/SCL Sustainable Combustion Lab. – Savona Campus
via Magliotto 2 – 17100 Savona
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA. February 28th, 2013.
Virginia Tech recently acquired a 10kW Power Pallet to support the academic and outreach goals of The Department of Sustainable Biomaterials (SBIO). The Power Pallet is a great addition to the department’s current and future research efforts in sustainability. According to Dr. Henry Quesada, “there is an increasing interest in the community to learn more about renewable materials and their potential use in energy production and how technology can be integrated in a small-scale system”. SBIO’s research efforts will benefit from operating the unit to test, characterize, and optimize many of the different types of biomass feedstocks available in the state of Virginia and the surrounding region.
Dr. Quesada attended the Gasification Workshop at our facility in Berkeley last November. He learned how the Power Pallet functioned and returned to Virginia to share his knowledge with students and colleagues. He has offered to demonstrate the Power Pallet on February 28th.
If you have questions, or you would like more information regarding the demonstration, please contact Dr. Henry Quesada at quesada@vt.edu Department of Sustainable Biomaterials website: http://sbio.vt.edu/residential-str/