ALL Power Labs is devoted to the continual improvement and expansion of our Carbon-Negative product line. Extensive work is currently underway to release a number of new and exciting products: the CharTainer, our 130 kW Hybrid and 50 kW Base containerized dual PP30 systems, and the PowerTainer. Read more about them below and contact us to receive updates about their availability.

PLEASE NOTE: these products are not for sale at this time. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates on its progress.

Dual Containerized Power Pallet 30s

We are scaling up to a mid-sized genset by containerizing a pair of standard PP30 Power Pallets. This will allow earlier availability of a higher output unit without the time involved in a redesign and resizing of all subcomponents. Various schemes to control and unify feed and power distribution are currently being developed. Contact sales for more information on cost and availability.

rendering of dual PP30

The 50 kWe Power Pallet 30 Base Container System uses our two of our PP30 for a complete biomass power generation solution that converts woody biomass into electricity.  It is a compact and fully automated system—from biomass in, to electricity and heat out.

The BASE version is basically 2 PP30s units housed within a standard 20 foot shipping container envelope. It will provide twice the power and heat capacity of a single Power Pallet PP30 to up to 50 kW and 100 kWth peak capacity. 

The 130 kWe Containerized Power Pallet Hybrid Microgrid System also provides 100 kWth of thermal energy via the integrated CHP systems from the two PP30s. Also included is a battery storage system and inverter to allow the continuous 50 kW output of the Power Pallets to be combined with an additional 80 kW from the batteries for a combined intermittent output of 130 kWe. This is a complete biomass power generation solution that converts woody biomass into electricity.  It is a compact and fully automated system—from biomass in, to electricity out

CharTainer Pilot

The ALL Power Labs CharTainer is a compact, high-volume, Combined Heat and Biochar (CHAB) pyrolizer system enclosed within a standard 20-foot shipping container. The system is fully automated and complete – from biomass hopper, gasifier-retort, and clean-burning flare with heat exchangers to biochar takeoff – all integrated within the shipping container envelope. The CharTainer uses a scaled-up version of APL’s newest Swirl Hearth architecture previously refined and proven in our PT150 PowerTainer.  The swirl hearth architecture includes technology innovation that widens the range of acceptable feedstock and ensures the quality of biochar produced.

 PowerTainer Beta

ALL Power Labs is developing a 150kW shipping-container-based gasification-genset system. It will have a similar ease of transportation and onsite setup as our 20 kW Power Pallet.

Based on the PowerTainer prototype APL developed in 2012 in partnership with US Dept. of Energy, University of Minnesota, Morris, Cummins Power, and the Diesel Research Lab of U of Minnesota, Twin Cities, the PT150 is expected to be available as a commercial product in late 2021, shown as beta prototype demonstration in 2019.

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