The history of how ALL Power Labs came to be is an interesting tale, which some of you may know, and at some point we should sit down and write about it. Part of that history is how we grew out of an arts facility, The Shipyard, a collaborative art/build space for large scale mechanical, kinetic and electronic art. So we were rather excited when we ran into the artist Jessica Segall’s installation work.

A Selfless, REteaching Jet, 2010

A Selfless, REteaching Jet, 2010” is a wood-fueled film projector, composed of a downdraft gasifier, Fairbank Z stationary engine, alternator, marine battery, inverter and 16m film projector. Jessica based her design Primarily on the FEMA design, but the cyclone she looked to APL for inspiration. Jessica is quite an interesting and talented artist we look forward to what she creates next.

4 Responses

    1. Thank you for your inquiry. The BEK is currently not in production. We are looking at putting it back into production in about a year, sooner if possible. If you’d like to talk to one of our sales team members please email They will have more information for you and can put you on our BEK interest list.

  1. Hallo, I like to find more Details for our Farm project.We are a RUAL Development NGO in Ghana. We care of 200acr and 800acr Farm projecting. We are also be happy, when we can find Volunteers and Teacher for Rual Development. Thanks.We are NGO CCA at UK and GHANA Accra. Thanks for any Information or Coop in this great ideas. My Handy 00233.20-6395302. Heiko Project Developer + Coordinator

    1. We’d love to talk to you more about your project in Ghana. Your information has been forwarded to our sales department and you should be hearing from us directly soon.
      Call: +1-510-845-1500 – 10am-6pm Pacific Standard Time.

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