Join us at ALL Power Labs June 17th through 19th for our next Gasification and Biochar Workshop in Berkeley CA. This is Father’s Day weekend so we hope you will consider planning a father-and-son/daughter trip to All Power Labs for our workshop.
It has been too long since our last workshop. Our first quarter 2011 workshop in the Ivory Coast was canceled due to political unrest. Then we found ourselves too busy building in-house to have one in the spring. So we’re now giving you lots of notice for our summer workshop. We also hope to announce some European workshops for later this summer, but dates are still vague at the moment. We plan to host workshops in Belgium and Italy, corresponding with the delivery of Power Pallets to each location.
The Berkeley workshop will as usual involve multiple projects across many fronts of biomass thermal conversion. We’ll be doing training sessions and long runs tests of the Power Pallet, biochar production with the BEK, Lister spark conversion, possibly more gas-to-liquids work, and other things not yet known. I really want to get the gasified Honda running again. Maybe i can convince the locals to let me take that on. Details on the program will come later. When it does, it will look something like this: http://www.gekgasifier.com/about/workshop/ If you are interested in presenting your own project and research during the workshop, as we have done in workshops past, please get in touch.
Worshops are free if you own a GEK or BEK by either purchase or DIY build. Otherwise the weekend is $100, which helps to cover food, drink and other consumables. If you want to join us, please RSVP to the forum thread here: http://www.gekgasifier.com/forums/showthread.php?t=563 . If you need to pay the workshop fee, you can do so via credit card here: http://www.gekgasifier.com/about/workshop/sign-up/
Many have written wanting to buy a BEK and found we’ve paused its production while focusing on the Power Pallet. We promised an update on BEK production status in early March, so here it is. The update is we need to continue to pause BEK production for another three months, thus until June 1. We’ll send another update note then.
It makes us very sad that we cannot well serve your biochar research needs at the moment. We are simply overwhelmed by interest in the Power Pallets and do not have the bandwidth for both manufacturing projects.
We’re currently expanding our manufacturing operation so we can support higher throughput and a greater diversity of products. We’ve outgrown our current in-house fabrication methods and are actively building a more scalable solution. Soon, you’ll see an announcement of job opening to find a new champion of manufacturing to the lead our next stage of growth.
BEK production will start again once we can meet current Power Pallet production needs. GEK kits continue as usual, as they are a subset of building the Power Pallets.
Jim Mason