Gasification PowerExchange Workshop #9

Opening Intro/ Lecture: Friday, October  8, 7:30-9:30PM
Weekend Build, Run and Test: Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, October 9-11, 11am – 7pm

Location: ALL Power Labs, 1010 Murray Street. Berkeley, CA
Contact: jim ^at^ allpowerlabs dot org
Cost: Free if you are a GEK or BEK owner, either through self build or purchase.  Otherwise, $100 for weekend.

RSVP in the forum thread here, so others know you are coming.
Pay via paypal here

The quarterly workshop series at ALL Power Labs offers education, research reports and hands-on experience to bring more people to successful operation of small scale gasification and pyrolysis units.  The event is open everyone, not just GEK or BEK users/owners.  So come and join us while we progressively make small-scale biomass thermal conversion a reasonable proposition, adequately advanced for everyday use

This fall we’re running the workshop in an extended format so we can take on some long-anticipated projects requiring more than the usual weekend to finish.  The main event will be four days this time (Friday through Monday) but with one of the projects continuing until the following weekend. (yes, we’ll have a live webcam so you can watch the whole process, even if you’re not here).

This round we’re elaborating the guest lecturer contributions, given how enjoyable the talks by Dr. Devinder Mahajan (SUNY, BNL) and Dr. Kyoung Ro (USDA, ARS) were during the June workshop.   We’re also adding a poster session for GEK/BEK owners and other researchers to present their work and machines.   In previous workshops, the combination of intro information, hands-on project building/running, and reports on current research has proved to be a great mix– thus we’re further elaborating things in this direction.  If you would like to give a talk or poster presentation during the weekend, please contact us at [EMAIL=””][/EMAIL] and we’ll get you on the agenda.

Here’s the list of projects for this round of the workshop.  All four will run simultaneously over the weekend.  Everyone can participate in all of them.

1. Power Pallet 7 Day Endurance Run:
A 168 hour around the clock run of the GEK 10kw Power Pallet.  This will include full data logging of the fuel input, gas output and power produced, as well as all internal reactor conditions.  The goal is to fully characterize the performance the GEK 10kw Power Pallet a long, continuous run operation.

2. Biochar Database Sample Generation:
Characterized biochar and bio-oil making with the [URL=””]Biochar Experimenter’s Kit (BEK)[/URL], using attendee provided biomass.  Bring your own biomass and we’ll convert it to biochar through a variety of process conditions, temps and residence times.  Samples will be analyzed post workshop to seed a public biochar samples database.

3. Syngas-to-liquids workshop:
Experiments in reactor design, catalyst making, and system control with various guest lecturers from the field.  We’ll explore and assess the potential for small-scale DIY gas-to-liquids solutions, and look at some new ways around the long-standing hurdles for making it reasonable.

4. Changfa diesel and Lister spark conversion for Woodgas:
More run tests and electronics hardware hacks towards an easy DIY spark conversion solution for Listers and China Diesels. We all have a soft spot for these engines, but dual fueling them is annoying.  A ready-to-go spark conversion solution is needed.

Click on each of the above for more info on the project.

The workshop begins with a Friday evening talk on the science of gasification and pyrolysis, and the new engineering solutions embodied in the GEK and BEK.  Both beginning and expert reactor assemblies will be presented, with pointers to further reading and opportunities in the field. Everyone will get a packet with lots of explanatory graphics and core data charts relating to gasification and pyrolysis.  These info graphics are also posted online here:

Saturday, Sunday and Monday are full days of building, running and testing the physical particulars.  Wear clothes that can get dirty. Come prepared to turn wrenches, shovel char, weld and generally get your hands into the details of biomass thermal conversion.

Sign-up here:

Travel information can be found here:

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