North Carolina A&T University, Greensboro, North Carolina – July 2024

NC A&T University installed an ALL Power Labs PP30 at their NSF (National Science Foundation) Center of Research Excellence in Science and Technology for Bioenergy program. They will be utilizing the Power Pallet to power blowers for animal pens (cooling/airflow) and also doing research on syngas for renewable fuels. They plan to test different feedstocks (corn cobs, pecan shells) and use the site to demonstrate the use of renewable energy strategies in modern farming operations.
Regenitech, Whitefish, Montana – March 2022

A PP30 was added to Regenitech’s regenerative agricultural facility in NW Montana. They will be testing the Power Pallet inside one of the greenhouses at their Earth Power Lodge (EPL) location. The biochar it produces will be used for the production of their soil regenerating biostimulants. It is being added to their extensive EPL biorefinery system as another of the integrated components furthering their development of modern sustainable agricultural practices and products. They anticipate the PP30 becoming a part of an integrated regenerative agricultural system able to be deployed at other small farms and homes….
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York – November 2021

The Advanced Energy and Technology Center at Stony Brook University, which is a part of the State University of New York system has installed one a PP30 at the Advanced Energy Center (AEC) lab. They are operating the unit as part of their graduate program in Chemical and Molecular engineering, and plan to study the physics of the operation of the gasifier and the chemistry of its producer gas product. AEC is working to increase the efficiency of current energy systems, and to promoting the adoption of alternative and renewable sources that can help to reduce their carbon footprint. They……
University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica – November 2019

APL provided a PP30 to the University of Costa Rica. The School of Agronomy is committed to carrying out scientific and technological research in agriculture, contributing to the development of society, and that promotes transformations needed for the future health and success of the environment and society. We are hopeful that their use and study of APL equipment can help them further these goals….
Siram, Parma, Italy – November 2019

APL provided a PP30 to the Siram Group, a global resource management consortium. Siram S.P.A. provides energy management services. The Company offers utilities and industrial fluids management, operation of urban heating, and air-conditioning networks. Siram serves customers throughout Italy. Their expertise in heating and cooling makes their integration of a PP30 with its standard Combined Heat and Power system a particularly good match. We look forward to their help in deploying APL systems within the feed-in tariff markets in Europe….
Sierra Resource Conservation District, Fresno County, California – June 2019

APL provided a PP20 to the Sierra Resource Conservation District (SRCD), the entity responsible for managing and protecting more than 3000 square miles of forest and foothills in the Sierra Nevada and Central Valley. SRCD operates the gasifier in wooded areas that have experienced wildland fire and insect infestations to demonstrate the PP20’s capacity to reduce forest fuel loads and wildfire risk while sequestering carbon and generating on-demand electricity. These activities are part of SRCD’s recently launched Carbon Management Program that aims to understand and manage the carbon cycle for both ecological and economic benefit. APL and SRDC were awarded……
Skysource, Malibu, California USA – January 2019

As Part of our partnership with the Skysource/Skywater Alliance, the prototype WEDEW Atmospheric Water Distiller, powered by a PP30, was installed at David Hertz and Laura Doss-Hertz’s ranch in Malibu, California. Ongoing development, following our winning of the Water Abundance XPrize, is aimed at producing portable units able to be deployed at disaster sites worldwide. Additional Details and images coming soon…
The University Of Guyana, Turkeyen Campus, Greater Georgetown, Guyana – June 2018

The University of Guyana installed a PP30 to use for research in their Forestry and Agricultural schools on their Turkeyen Campus in Greater Georgetown. Additional Details and images coming soon…
University of Chester, Chester, England, UK – May 2018

The Chemical Engineering department of the University of Chester in the UK installed a PP20 so that Professor John Brammer and his associates can study the details of the highly efficient thermal conversion in our GEK gasifier. The University of Chester is a public university with five campuses in the city of Chester, about 35 km south of Liverpool in northwest England. Professor Brammer has a Ph.D. in the production of energy from biomass, and considerable industrial experience in combustion (working on gas turbines at Rolls Royce). We look forward to Dr. Brammer’s results using our technology and hope that……
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai, Johor, Malaysia – May 2018

We installed a PP20 at UTM to be used for research into sustainable technology. UTM is a leading innovation-driven entrepreneurial research university and the largest postgraduate research university for technology in Malaysia. It has also established a reputation for innovative education and cutting-edge research, with a vision towards the development of creative human capital and the advancement of technological innovation….