UNIDO, Essekou, Cameroon – April 2024

The project was implemented under a GEF-funded project aimed at promoting biomass and small hydro for productive uses in Cameroon, implemented by UNIDO in collaboration with the Cameroonian Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MINEE) and the Rural Electrification Agency (AER).

Regenitech, Whitefish, Montana – March 2022

PP30 in greenhouse at Regenitech in Montana

A PP30 was added to Regenitech’s regenerative agricultural facility in NW Montana. They will be testing the Power Pallet inside one of the greenhouses at their Earth Power Lodge (EPL) location. The biochar it produces will be used for the production of their soil regenerating biostimulants. It is being added to their extensive EPL biorefinery system as another of the integrated components furthering their development of modern sustainable agricultural practices and products. They anticipate the PP30 becoming a part of an integrated regenerative agricultural system able to be deployed at other small farms and homes….

Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York – November 2021

rendering labeled: Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center building at Stony Brook University

The Advanced Energy and Technology Center at Stony Brook University, which is a part of the State University of New York system has installed one a PP30 at the Advanced Energy Center (AEC) lab. They are operating the unit as part of their graduate program in Chemical and Molecular engineering, and plan to study the physics of the operation of the gasifier and the chemistry of its producer gas product. AEC is working to increase the efficiency of current energy systems, and to promoting the adoption of alternative and renewable sources that can help to reduce their carbon footprint. They……

Masarang Foundation, Suliwesi, Indonesia – January 2020

crew of Masarang Foundation in Indonesia with PP30

The Masarang Foundation is committed to finding solutions for the most urgent global problems of our time: deforestation, biodiversity loss, climate change, poverty, and underdevelopment. They have been an early adopter of APL technology which they have deployed to sites where power is needed to support their biodiversity activities. Two PP20s were recently commissioned in Indonesia where they will be using biomass waste from their reforestation projects as feedstock for the units. …

Siram, Parma, Italy – November 2019

exuberant team in Italy show giant check of grant for siram powerpallet

APL provided a PP30 to the Siram Group, a global resource management consortium. Siram S.P.A. provides energy management services. The Company offers utilities and industrial fluids management, operation of urban heating, and air-conditioning networks. Siram serves customers throughout Italy. Their expertise in heating and cooling makes their integration of a PP30 with its standard Combined Heat and Power system a particularly good match. We look forward to their help in deploying APL systems within the feed-in tariff markets in Europe….

Ambermac, Mpumulanga, South Africa – October 2019

APL provided a PP30 to the Ambermacs, a macadamia nut processing plant in White River South Africa. They will be using the heat and power from their PP30 to support their privately-owned macadamia processing plant situated in the heart of South Africa’s largest macadamia growing region. Their factory dries, processes, packs, and supplies raw macadamia kernels for international export to customers in the UK, Europe, and North America. AmberMacs sources nuts from its own farmland as well as from neighboring farms. Developing relationships with these farmers is one of their core values, reflected in their partnerships with some of the highest……

Ecostage, Tokyo, Japan – September 2019

3 men looking at PP30 at Ecostage Tokyo

APL provided a PP30 to the Ecostage, a renewable-energy development firm in Tokyo. Ecostage believes the earth where we live is irreplaceable, and that they have an obligation to contribute to the global environment as a responsibility to future generations. They are using the PP30 they have installed at their Anan City location to demonstrate the practicality and importance of biomass-energy to their customers. Ecostage and APL are working together to tie their Power Pallet into their local utility grid, a process that can be complex and difficult due to the variety of standards and regulations in the various jurisdictions……

Skysource, Malibu, California USA – January 2019

wedew unit at Hertz Ranch

As Part of our partnership with the Skysource/Skywater Alliance, the prototype WEDEW Atmospheric Water Distiller, powered by a PP30, was installed at David Hertz and Laura Doss-Hertz’s ranch in Malibu, California. Ongoing development, following our winning of the Water Abundance XPrize, is aimed at producing portable units able to be deployed at disaster sites worldwide. Additional Details and images coming soon…

University of Chester, Chester, England, UK – May 2018

University of Chester team with PP20

The Chemical Engineering department of the University of Chester in the UK installed a PP20 so that Professor John Brammer and his associates can study the details of the highly efficient thermal conversion in our GEK gasifier. The University of Chester is a public university with five campuses in the city of Chester, about 35 km south of Liverpool in northwest England. Professor Brammer has a Ph.D. in the production of energy from biomass, and considerable industrial experience in combustion (working on gas turbines at Rolls Royce). We look forward to Dr. Brammer’s results using our technology and hope that……

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